TRS-80 Emulators for Windows and MS-DOS

Matthew Reed's emulators, utilities, and development tools for TRS-80 Models I/III/4


Z80Asm Version 1.00 is Introduced

February 8, 2012

Z80Asm is a brand new TRS-80 assembler for the twenty-first century. It assembles TRS-80 assembly language programs and creates /CMD files that will run on a real or emulated TRS-80, but it runs on the command line of your Windows PC. That means you can use your favorite Windows text editor to create and edit your assembly language source files and that your source files will be stored on your Windows hard drive (and can easily be backed up onto CD’s, DVD’s, thumb drives, and so on). Z80Asm is the modern, easy way to do assembly language development for your TRS-80 Models I, III, and 4.

TRSTools Version 1.07

December 19, 2011

This release contains several bug fixes:

  • A format recognition bug was causing TRSDOS 1.3 data disks to sometimes be treated as Montezuma Micro CP/M disks (thanks to Ira Goldklang).
  • Under some circumstances, TRSTools would crash when loading LDOS disks, even ones it had created (thanks to Richard Banks).
  • NEWDOS/86 disks are now recognized for both read and write access (suggested by Ira Goldklang).
  • The file viewer will now default to a hexadecimal view when an improperly constructed CMD file is viewed.
  • The amount of free space on a disk is now correctly calculated for NEWDOS/80 disks.
  • TRSREAD and TRSWRITE were also updated with these changes to version 4.30.

TRSTools Version 1.06

June 28, 2011

This release contains bug fixes and several new features:

  • A faulty format detection routine that was rejecting many NEWDOS/80 disks is now fixed (thanks to Ira Goldklang).
  • TRSTools now offers read-only support for the most common Montezuma Micro and LNW80 CP/M formats.
  • TRSTools now offers read-only support for Color Computer RSDOS disks.
  • The file properties and disk properties dialog boxes now only show information pertaining to the file system.
  • TRSREAD and TRSWRITE were also updated with these changes to version 4.29.

TRS32 Version 1.26

June 27, 2011

This release contains two bug fixes:

  • On some Windows 7 systems, a synchronization conflict led to sluggish responses by the user interface. This problem has now been fixed.
  • Keyboard handling is now improved to make certain SHIFT+CLEAR key combinations more consistent (suggested by Darryl Grainger).

TRSTools Version 1.05

June 1, 2011

This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:

  • TRSTools now extends LDOS and LS-DOS file dating to the year 2012 and beyond. New file dates can now range from 1980 to 2079 but are stored in a way that is completely backward compatible with older disks. See LDOS and LS-DOS: 2012 and Beyond – A Solution for more information.
  • TRSTools will now prompt to apply post-2011 date extension patches to any non-write protected Model 4 LS-DOS 6.3.1 or Model I and III LDOS 5.3.1 disk image. (This prompt can be turned off in the Preferences menu.) It will automatically select the correct patches based on the disk type.
  • I added improved recognition of all three MULTIDOS date formats. TRSTools will now automatically recognize which format is being used by the directory.
  • I fixed a problem with reading Model III TRSDOS files. Under a few circumstances, reading from a heavily fragmented Model III TRSDOS file could result in corrupted data.
  • An option in the file viewer to switch to a hexadecimal view wasn’t always present. I have fixed that omission.
  • TRSREAD and TRSWRITE were also updated with these changes to version 4.28

TRS32 Version 1.25

October 13, 2010

This release includes two bug fixes and one new feature:

  • William Bosacker sent me a NEWDOS/80 boot disk that kept generating “Device not available” errors instead of displaying a directory. I tracked the problem down to a one bit error in the emulated interrupt status ports. This qualifies as one of the most obscure emulation bugs I have ever found; it would occur only one time when reading that one port at that one instant.
  • Ira Goldklang sent me a Model III boot disk that was being identified as Model 4 by the “Autostart” feature. Although the disk still worked (it just ran in Model III mode), I added recognition of this unusual boot sector to the autostart routine.
  • I also added a new feature suggested by Ira Goldklang. Now hovering the mouse cursor over the floppy drive indicator light in the status bar will display the current drive status and position. This makes it easier to determine if a boot disk is loading or just cycling endlessly.

TRSTools Version 1.04

September 30, 2010

  • Improved viewing of MULTIDOS BASIC programs
  • Improved recognition of DOSPLUS and NEWDOS/80 disks (thanks to Ira Goldklang and William Bosacker)
  • TRSREAD and TRSWRITE were also updated with these changes to version 4.27

TRS32 Version 1.24

June 23, 2010

  • Eliminated “Parity error during read” errors sometimes generated by NEWDOS/80 while formatting double-sided virtual disks (thanks to Pascal Holdry)
  • Corrected behavior when pasting TAB characters (suggested by David Alexander)

TRSTools Version 1.03

April 28, 2010

  • Improved Windows 7 support in several areas (thanks to David Sutherland)
  • Improved viewing CMD files on MULTIDOS disks
  • Eliminated extraneous beep when viewing files under certain sound schemes